Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowpocalypse DC

This about sums up how the District feels today.

Alexandria, Virginia, USA

It's just as well that I didn't try to get to my sister's in Baltimore yesterday, because we would definitely have been stuck in her tiny studio apartment for the weekend. The state of Maryland's in a State of Emergency, which means that driving on the roads in strongly discouraged, so there's no way we would have gone to Pennsylvania this morning.

It is unfortunately, though, that I wasn't able to get in touch with Candice yesterday morning, because it would have been nice to be snowed in with her, Sparky, and a supply of Tension Tamer tea. It seems that God does not approve of our friendship. First swine flu, now the blizzard of the century.... Something out there doesn't want Candice and I to see each other!

Instead, I've spent the last 24 hours reminiscing about the last "Storm of the Century," when I was in my last semester at Goucher College. Martin O'Malley was Mayor of Baltimore at the time, and not Governor of Maryland. Also, I had snow pants, a Stimpson Cafeteria tray, and hills to sled down. Not to mention that Jason and friends went wading through the snow to the liquor store (only business open in Towson, and well worth it!) to fuel our evenings shut in. Actually, as I remember it, Sma and I spent most of the time in my dorm room sipping hot chocolate with Bailey's.... Ah, those were the days!

If only I could've made it to the snowball fight on Dupont Circle with Josh and Jenn. Facebook has given fun a whole new definition!
From My White Wintery Hell

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